Abstract:According to nonlinear constitutive relation based on the porous materi al theory, static experiments for hollow cylinders of metalrubber were conduct e d and the data were fitted. The relationship between every coefficient in the no nlinear constitutive relation and the loaded area was obtained. The effect of lo aded area on nonlinear constitutive relation of metalrubber was analyzed, and p rediction for nonlinear constitutive relation of metalrubber was achieved on c o ndition that the density and the height were given and the loaded area was varie d. A case shows that the relationship between coefficients in the nonlinear cons titutive relation of metalrubber and loaded area can predict the nonlinear con s titutive relation correctly, and thus the nonlinear constitutive relation of met alrubber with known heights and unknown loaded areas is predicted. The results show that the method is effective.